

Samplers for Bayesian inference.

pypbl.samplers.ensemble_sampler(fun, start, sigma, iterations, verbose=False)

Sampler based on the affine-invariant ensemble sampler for Markov chain Monte Carlo

  • fun (function) – log probability function used to infer weights.
  • start (list) – initial weights (it is recommended to use the MAP estimate).
  • sigma (float) – term used to encourage different starting conditions for walkers.
  • iterations (int) – number of iterations in sampling algorithm (total number of evaluation will be 2 * number of weights * iterations). # noqa
  • verbose (boolean) – set as True to get verbose print out.

Numpy array of samples

pypbl.samplers.simple_sampler(fun, start, sigma, iterations, verbose=False)

Simple sampler based on the metropolis hastings algorithm for Markov chain Monte Carlo

  • fun (function) – log probability function used to infer weights
  • start (list) – initial weights (it is recommended to use the MAP estimate)
  • sigma (float) – diagonal term for proposal distribution covariance
  • iterations (int) – number of iterations in sampling algorithm
  • verbose (boolean) – set as True to get verbose print out

Numpy array of samples